
The dragon prince season 1 characters
The dragon prince season 1 characters

the dragon prince season 1 characters the dragon prince season 1 characters

Canonical materials from the artbook also suggest that Callum has the beginnings of a Kung-Fu Wizard. But by the end of Season 3 (just a few weeks in the show), the two boys had become the primary fighters, with Ezran a full-fledged dragon rider and Callum with the ability to fly.

  • Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards: At the very beginning of the series, Rayla is really the only fighter in the group, with Callum being an untrained mage who only knows a single spell and Ezran being a ten-year old who carries a glowtoad.
  • Azymondias is the youngest, technically, having hatched at the end of the first season.
  • Kid Hero: The group is composed of these, with Rayla, the oldest, being only fifteen.
  • Rayla and Callum take this one step further in season 3 and develop an Interspecies Romance.
  • Interspecies Friendship: An unlikely friendship between two humans, an elf, a glow toad, and later, a dragon.
  • Ezran is the moral center of the group, and pushes for diplomatic and peaceful solutions to problems. Soren is The Big Guy-the Boisterous Bruiser and muscle of the group who thinks a sword is a good solution to most problems. Claudia is The Smart Guy, the well-read mage who has countless spells at her disposal, and a spellbook and bag of spell components lets her come up with creative solutions. Rayla is The Lancer Whereas Callum is idealistic and trusting of Claudia and Soren, Rayla is suspicious and questions Callum's willingness to trust his friends, and is generally the pragmatic foil to Callum's optimism. Callum is The Leader, who is charismatic enough to de-escalate a brawl between Soren, Rayla, and Claudia and who tends to be the one others turn to for critical decisions.
  • Five-Man Band: In early season 2, the five main characters briefly form this during the journey to return Zym home (although Claudia and Soren plan on betraying the rest of the group).
  • the dragon prince season 1 characters

    This leads the princes to build an unlikely friendship with the elven assassin that gradually solidifies as the episodes of Season 1 progress.

  • Fire-Forged Friends: The group realizes that, before the importance of their mission and what they'll likely face together, they need to learn to trust and work with each other.
  • Ezran may have the beginnings of a Beast Master or Dragon Rider, or going from a more low-key Word of God tease, the earliest onsets of a Ranger of sorts.
  • Fantasy Character Classes: Callum is a mage (specifically an elementalist), Rayla is an assassin.
  • Coming-of-Age Story: All three go through substantial Character Development throughout the series, but this is especially the case for Callum and Ezran, who grow from being unassuming and awkward to courageous and heroic by the Season 3 finale.
  • Subverted later on, as Callum's primary color becomes red as of the Season 3 finale. Fittingly Ezran is an All-Loving Hero, Callum is the Smart Guy, and Rayla is the only one with combat training.
  • Chromatic Arrangement: Ezran is red, Callum is blue, Rayla is green.
  • Not jaded enough by the war, they can still hold on to the belief that they can stop it, especially with the Dragon Prince in hands.
  • Children Are Innocent: The reason why the main characters are so young.
  • When he learns to conjure mage wings, he becomes the most physically capable of the trio. Callum, meanwhile, has to be both Brains and Brawn for his spells, which often require a combination of runes/incantations as well as physical exertion. As time goes on, Rayla displays instances of being a Guile Hero, while Ezran starts riding dragons. At the beginning, Rayla is the Brawn (as the only fighter) while Callum is usually the Brains (as he’s the main strategist of the group), although on occasion he shares this with Ezran (who likewise helps the team navigate from time to time).
  • Brains and Brawn: Zigzagged for Rayla, Ezran, and Callum.
  • After Callum forges a connection to the sky arcanum and Ezran decides to go home, the group becomes an Action Duo until Ezran rejoins them at the Storm Spire - where Ezran discovers that in the interim they've also become a Battle Couple.

    the dragon prince season 1 characters

    Rayla and Callum are the two protectors of the group, but who sometimes argue and bicker, thus leaving it to Ezran to bridge the divide between them and protect the Dragon Prince. As of "Dragonguard", Soren finally joins the group after spending the majority of Book 3 building up the courage to turn against his father and leave his side for good. As of "Wonderstorm", the titular Dragon Prince, Azymondias, hatches from his egg and is added to the group. The main characters, a group composed by the two princes, Callum and Ezran, the prodigy elven assassin Rayla and the pet Bait. Click here to see Callum's Group at the end of Book 3

    The dragon prince season 1 characters